About us

At Central Tape and Label, we’re proud to have been serving the Houston area since 1978. We’re a family-owned business, and our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and top-quality prints is what sets us apart from the competition.

Flexographic printing has been our passion for over four decades, and we’ve invested in state-of-the-art printing equipment to ensure we stay ahead of the curve. We’re constantly exploring new technologies and industry trends to improve our services and provide our customers with the best possible printing solutions.

As a local business, we believe it’s essential to contribute to the community we serve. We offer job opportunities, support local charities and events, and pride ourselves on being a good neighbor. We understand the importance of honoring local businesses and preserving the unique character of our community.

We take pride in every project we undertake, whether it’s a small run of labels or a large-scale printing project. Our team is dedicated to providing fast turnaround times without sacrificing quality, so you can trust us to deliver your prints on time, every time.

When you choose Central Tape and Label, you’re choosing a company that values your business and is committed to your satisfaction. We’re honored to be a part of the Houston community and look forward to serving you for years to come.


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Ut sed semper velit commodo, tortor malesuada. Malesuada nisl pharetra a sit augue nec bibendum morbi. Ac et, porttitor est elit.


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Ut sed semper velit commodo, tortor malesuada. Malesuada nisl pharetra a sit augue nec bibendum morbi. Ac et, porttitor est elit.

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Ut sed semper velit commodo, tortor malesuada. Malesuada nisl pharetra a sit augue nec bibendum morbi. Ac et, porttitor est elit mauris scelerisque et lobortis eget.

Risus eget auctor faucibus adipiscing dolor nibh egestas morbi nullam. Eu imperdiet eleifend nullam ut interdum.


Bibendum morbi ac et porttitor.

Morbi lobortis netus ac eget at montes.

Morbi lobortis netus ac eget at montes.

Ut sed semper velit commodo, tortor malesuada. Malesuada nisl pharetra a sit augue nec bibendum morbi. Ac et, porttitor est elit mauris scelerisque et lobortis eget. Orci nunc pellentesque diam.

Guided tour

Amet in sollicitudin proin.

Luxurious villa in Brazil

Ultrices faucibus orci.

Spacious modern house

Commodo scelerisque.

Cozy beach house

Our team of experts

Christopher Mills
Christopher Mills
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae donec velit neque.
Sidney Hamilton
Sidney Hamilton
Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit mauris.
Aliya Pearson
Aliya Pearson
Proin eget tortor risus. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada.

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